Preboarding New Hires: Best Practices

Preboarding New Hires: Best Practices


Preboarding is the process that occurs between a new hire accepting an offer and their first day on the job. Done right, it can set the tone for a productive and positive employee experience. Here are some best practices to ensure your organization makes a lasting first impression.

Best Practices for Preboarding New Hires

  1. Personalized Welcome Package

Make new hires feel valued from the get-go with a personalized welcome package. This could include branded merchandise, a handwritten welcome note from the CEO, or even a gift card to a popular local coffee shop.


  • Enhances the new hire’s sense of belonging.
  • Creates excitement and anticipation.
  1. Access to Onboarding Portal

Provide access to an onboarding portal where new hires can find important resources, company policies, and training materials. This will help them feel more prepared and reduce first-day jitters.


  • Ensures new hires are informed and ready.
  • Saves time during the actual onboarding process.
  1. Clear Communication

Maintain regular communication with new hires through emails, phone calls, or video messages. Introduce them to their team and provide a schedule for their first week.


  • Keeps new hires engaged and informed.
  • Builds a connection with the team before they start.
  1. Assign a Buddy

Pair new hires with a buddy from their team who can answer questions and provide guidance. This helps them feel more comfortable and integrated into the company culture.


  • Facilitates a smoother transition.
  • Promotes a sense of community and belonging.
  1. Preboarding Checklist

Create a comprehensive checklist that outlines all preboarding tasks, such as completing paperwork, setting up email accounts, and providing necessary documentation.


  • Ensures all tasks are completed before day one.
  • Helps new hires feel organized and prepared.


Case Studies of Best Practices for Preboarding New Hires

  1. Google’s Preboarding Program

Google sends a “Noogler” (new Googler) kit to new hires, which includes company swag, a welcome letter, and essential onboarding documents. They also provide access to an online portal with training modules and company information.


  • High levels of new hire engagement and reduced first-day anxiety.


  1. LinkedIn’s Buddy System

LinkedIn pairs new hires with a “LinkedIn Learning Buddy” who helps them acclimate to the company culture and provides ongoing support. They also send personalized welcome videos from the new hire’s team.


  • Enhanced sense of belonging and quicker integration into the team.


  1. Zappos’ Culture Camp

Zappos invites new hires to a preboarding “Culture Camp” where they learn about the company’s core values, meet their teammates, and participate in fun team-building activities.


  • Stronger commitment to company values and improved team cohesion.


  1. Buffer’s Transparent Communication

Buffer maintains transparent communication with new hires by sharing detailed information about company policies, expectations, and team structures. They also encourage new hires to participate in virtual meet-and-greets before their start date.


  • Clear understanding of roles and expectations, leading to higher job satisfaction.


  1. Airbnb’s Immersive Experience

Airbnb offers an immersive preboarding experience that includes virtual tours of their offices, interactive training sessions, and opportunities to connect with future colleagues through online forums.


  • Greater familiarity with the company environment and stronger employee engagement.



Effective preboarding sets the stage for a successful onboarding experience. By incorporating these best practices, companies can ensure new hires feel welcomed, informed, and excited to join the team. Want to elevate your preboarding process? Book a brief discovery call via